Sunday, November 18, 2007

not as tall as me! knitting along on my pals scarf for ISE5........and make a comment that i can't remember how long the person wanted it..........look it up and find 60+"

in holding up the scarf and saying ~to myself!~ but out loud ~ "i guess this isn't 60" where's my handy dandy tape measurer?" (ummm why yes, we have been watching the old Blu*s Clu*s vcr tapes with L M)

hubster happens to be in the room and says, "well you're 5' and i'm 6' so it has to be in between" isn't he handy dandy to have around? !

i can be my own tape measure ~ and guess what! it isn't 60" ~~yet :)

am bored with the scarf so going back to my Sockamania orange socks
buh bye!!

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