Monday, January 28, 2008


Sockamania January socks done!!! YAY! and with a few days left instead of trying to beat the "time zone" time :)

if you've not tried BFL wool ~ ya GOT to!
these were alot of fun and went fast,,,,,,i just got distracted by some other knits!

see the leftover yarn?? i can make toe-up anklets!

looky this!!!!! started it sunday morning

it's so much fun and hope to finish tonight (only need 8 to make scarf) - it was on sale at Morehouse Farm and bought extra skein to make brown one ~ oh and NO sewing/seaming ~ it's like a 3 needle bind off to join next one ~ WOOT!

the alligator scarf is still in it's package, the shrug is longer ~ hey, found a site where she made a shrug for her dog ~ where is that link???

the other 2 pairs socks are "heel flapping it" !
hi! whatcha doing???


Anonymous said...

Now THOSE are some colorful socks! Love them! :) Now, if you could just pass some of that sock-knitting super-speed on up here to your secret pal, it would be much toes are cold!! :p

your BTWD secretswappal

Anonymous said...

Ooops...make that your Dtwd secretswappal....

DJ said...

Love the socks, my fave...fraternal socks. Cute kiddos. If you are really interested in soapmaking I would suggest The Magic Apple yahoo group. Just the nicest people, full of helpfulness(is that a word?). I gotta tell you it is so much fun. Books are o.k, but there isn't anything like real live people for learning something new.
Hugs, DJ in SW MI, USA